Doctor of Pharmacy

为药学实践的前沿做好准备,获得四年的药学博士学位 (PharmD) degree from Wilkes University’s Nesbitt School of Pharmacy. Be an innovator who creates the future of pharmacy practice.

如果你是直接申请专业药学专业的研究生, please apply via the PharmCAS application:

Apply to the PharmD Program via PharmCAS external website

Note: This application is not for high school students interested in applying to Wilkes University's Nesbitt School of Pharmacy. If you are a high school student, please see the Pre-Pharmacy Guaranteed Seat Program and apply via the undergraduate application.

Program Snapshot

Program Type Format Credit Hours
Graduate On Campus 139-143

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜大学内斯比特药学院,你将加入一个紧密结合的“药学院”。 充满热情的专业人员在一系列药房环境中改善患者护理. 我们的小班授课确保了个性化的关注,重点是临床实践 training, new technologies, research and communication.

现实世界的体验早在第一年就开始了,从社区实践开始 and followed by working with prescribers and clinical faculty in hospital pharmacy and telepharmacy. You may supplement your degree with a concentration, like Spanish 或者公共卫生,或者利用这个机会在双学位中磨练商业技能 PharmD/MBA program.

Our graduates routinely exceed the national average pass rate on licensure exams. 内斯比特学院还为寻找有竞争力的研究生的学生药剂师提供匹配 residency training at a higher rate than the national average.

What Will You Learn?

As a PharmD student, you will:
  • 在药剂学、药理学、医学等基础科学方面打下坚实的基础 chemistry, anatomy and physiology.
  • Acquire clinical knowledge in therapeutics, pharmacokinetics, and pathophysiology.
  • 发展身体评估、病人咨询和临床决策方面的技能.
  • 了解心理学、社会学、经济学、卫生政策和管理的影响 successful practice.
  • 培养人际交往能力,有效沟通,并在团队环境中发挥作用.
  • 学习如何提供高质量的医疗保健,并做出有意义的贡献 the science and practice of pharmacy.

Program Highlights

Close-Knit Community

加入我们的“药房”,这些学生对提供病人护理充满热情并积极参与 in all aspects of campus life.

White Coat Ceremony

在这个仪式上穿上你的传统白大褂,标志着你的换班 from preclinical to clinical study and practice.

Dual-Degree PharmD/MBA

药学博士/MBA双学位选择为您提供在管理层面工作的专业知识 position in a variety of health care settings.


My favorite aspect of Wilkes University is the supportive faculty and family-like learning environment. I also felt as though I was supported with whatever I wanted to do in addition to being pushed to become the best that I can be.

Alex Ponce '19 - PharmD

I feel more than prepared to work each day as a pharmacist and leader with the U.S. 因为推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜教职员工灌输的价值观.

Cody Morcom '20 - PharmD

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜给了我很多机会让我成为一名全面发展的药剂师 and person. I was able to stay heavily involved in activities within and outside of pharmacy school. It is a very close-knit community, and my professors were always there when I needed help.

Lauren Hertzog '20 - PharmD

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜学院2023届毕业生中,有一半的人在联邦政府获得了工作或居留权 time of graduation

up to 80

本科一年级学生每年被录取进入药学预科 Seat Program


match rate for the Class of 2024 exceeding the national match rate

Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Pass Rates Exceed National Averages

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜内斯比特药学院的毕业生达到了通过率 超过了北美药剂师执照考试的全国平均水平 (NAPLEX) and the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE).

Indicators of Success


Careers & Outcomes

药剂师是值得信赖的药物专家,致力于改善他们的健康 communities. PharmD graduates work in pharmacies, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, research centers and outpatient care facilities. Below are examples 最近的毕业生获得的职位,雇主和研究生实习职位 of our PharmD program.

Job Titles

  • Clinical Pharmacist
  • Ambulatory Care Pharmacist
  • Chemotherapy Pharmacist
  • Community Pharmacy Owner
  • Pediatric Pharmacist
  • Poison Control Expert
  • Industry Pharmacist


  • CVS
  • Geisinger Health System
  • Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Sanofi
  • U.S. Air Force
  • Walgreens
  • Weis Markets

Post-Graduate Residencies

  • WellSpan
  • VA Medical Center
  • Geisinger Health System
  • VCU Health System
  • Temple University Health System
  • Yale New Haven Hospital
  • Highmark

Who Will Be Considered

专业申请人可直接申请药学专业博士学位 Program.

This includes applicants who:

  • Already have a bachelor’s degree from U.S. accredited institution.
  • Have completed, or have in progress, the required coursework at Wilkes or another university.
  • Are currently enrolled in Wilkes University's pre-pharmacy parallel track.
  • 有兴趣转学到内斯比特药学院吗.

A completed application is composed of all of the below:

  • A completed online application.
  • Submission of prerequisite course document.
  • 通识教育要求文件(如果你之前没有获得学士学位) degree).
  • All official transcripts.
  • A Statement of Purpose.
  • Three (3) Recommendations.

Apply to the PharmD Program via PharmCAS external website

预计春季/夏季毕业的高中生或高中毕业生 没有在两年制或四年制学院或大学注册的学生,可以申请 six-year Pre-Pharmacy Guaranteed Seat Program (PPGS).

Apply to the Guaranteed Seat Program


Justin Collins

Director of Admissions and Student Affairs
Nesbitt School of Pharmacy
(570) 408-4122

What Philosophy Guides Our Curriculum?

内斯比特药学院设计了药学博士课程来进行教育 以全面、个性化和公平的方式提供医疗保健, 混合循证和以患者为中心的药物治疗考虑 management.

We recognize interprofessional collaboration as an integral part of upholding high standards of patient care. Meaningful connections between faculty, students and staff 在药学院促进个人和专业的成长和发展 to create positive change in the community and profession of pharmacy.

As faculty, students and staff we value:


药学院通过有意的整合来培养团队合作能力 团队活动在药学护理实验室和其他基础课程贯穿始终 didactic education. Students also work with students from other health professions outside the School of Pharmacy to develop interprofessional skills. Faculty embrace 团队合作和学院关系彼此努力整合 基础科学、社会科学、行为科学和实践学科.


Leadership is an important professional skill. Students are trained in conflict resolution, building effective teams and managing team dynamics. The School of Pharmacy encourages membership in professional organizations. Faculty lead by example, serving in leadership roles in diverse state and national professional pharmacy organizations.


药学院的成员对自己和他人都有很高的专业标准. 我们在学生的药房中树立并灌输这些态度和行为 education in and out of the classroom.

Community Service and Engagement

我们社区的实力与我们学校的实力直接相关 profession. Likewise, our service to the community directly impacts its citizens. 我们尊重并通过参与促进这种互利关系 of faculty, students and staff in community service.

Meaningful Relationships Between Students and Faculty

Students work directly with faculty as colleagues on experiential rotations. We intentionally design co-curricular activities to fortify skills students learn in the classroom. 在教学环境中,学生和教师形成了紧密的专业联系 by small class size. In the research setting, faculty mentor students directly in the discovery of knowledge. We maintain a student-centered culture, with mentorship and accessibility of faculty as high priorities.

Meaningful Relationships Between the School and the Workforce

Students work directly with faculty as colleagues on experiential rotations. We intentionally design co-curricular activities to fortify skills students learn in the classroom. 在教学环境中,学生和教师形成了紧密的专业联系 by small class size. In the research setting, faculty mentor students directly in the discovery of knowledge. We maintain a student-centered culture, with mentorship and accessibility of faculty as high priorities.

The Scientific Foundation of Medications

Individualized therapeutic recommendations require application of knowledge in the foundational sciences. In recognition of this, we emphasize pharmacodynamics, physiology 病理生理学是理性决策的组成部分,尤其是临床决策 guidelines are not applicable to a specific patient scenario. Moreover, pharmacists 作为最容易获得的医疗保健提供者,有义务教育公众 on the scientific basis of vaccines and medications.

Evidence-Based Therapeutic Interventions

Information mastery is threaded throughout our curriculum. Our faculty promote critical 评价临床试验的方法学和统计严谨性,并采取客观的方法 to choosing therapy. We equip our students to interpret clinical guidelines in a race-conscious manner.

Critical Thinking

最佳的治疗建议需要综合几个因素,包括 foundational sciences, clinical sciences and social and behavioral aspects. We educate 学生运用批判性思维制定治疗决策 factors.


Technology for teaching and learning is continuously evolving. The School of Pharmacy 完全支持用于优化内容交付和评估的工具 integrates these tools into the curriculum. Likewise, through the required curriculum, we intentionally introduce students to rapidly evolving technology in healthcare.

Patient Individuality and Autonomy

Recognizing that patients bear cultural, religious and socioeconomic differences, 我们训练学生尊重并将以病人为中心的因素整合到他们的治疗中 recommendations.


Mental and physical well-being are not merely direct determinants of our capacity to teach and learn, but are fundamental goals in and of themselves. We value the wellness of each student, staff and faculty member of the School of Pharmacy.